Category Archives: Sensory play

N3 Learning about disabilities – Sight

In N3 we have been learning about disabilities and using our 5 senses.  We did several blindfolded activities to experience what it is like to be blind.  Some of the children tried to walk across the room while tapping a stick on the floor so they didn’t bump into anything, others had to pick something from a box and guess what it was.

We did blindfolded taste and feel tests. The first was done with with 3 glasses filled with juice, milk and water.  They look and taste different, but when blindfolded they feel the same.  We did the same with salt, white sugar and brown sugar.  They feel the same, but look and or taste differently.  Through this activity we learned the vocabulary same, different, salty, sweet and sour when they tasted a bit of lemon.

The children have been also learning some sign language and watching videos such as Barefoot books and Mr. Tumble, which depict people with different disabilities.

Sensory Play – Nursery 3

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At Nursery stage (from 1 to 3 years old) the world becomes an adventure. Its all about discovering and exploring. At nursery 3, one of the topics its to experience the worlds shapes, colours and textures.

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Every week a new colour and shape is introduced to the pupils through dynamic and fun activities. This time at “Sensory Play” they had so much fun experimenting with the changing colour and textures as the ice melted and the rice started to become moist and blue. Each kid started to express themselves in their own special way. Some covered the ice with the rice until it melted, some were amazed by the changing colour of the rice and started to roll the rice through their fingers.

They had an amazing time!!

Getting creative with bubble wrap!

Nursery 2 have been getting creative with bubble wrap!
They taped bubble wrap to the floor, the kids took off their socks and shoes and were encouraged to jump on it until it popped.
They then painted it so that it can be used as part of their display.
Whilst painting, the children spontaneously started painting their feet and walking over it.
It´s so nice to watch them get creative and let their imaginations run away with them!



Benefits of sensory play


There are so many ways in which sensory play can benefit children. Research has shown that sensory play aids the development of nerve connections in the brains pathways, leading to the child having the ability to deal with more complex tasks in the future. Research has also shown that sensory play supports: cognitive growth, language development, fine and gross motor skills, developing and enhancing memory, problem solving and aids the development of social skills. In addition to all of these great aspects, sensory play is a great way to calm an anxious or frustrated child in a fun yet calming way.